
Target of target wow
Target of target wow

Fixed an issue where Heigan the Unclean's slow eruptions could sometimes overlap with the fast eruptions. While tanks or group leaders usually handle marking duties, anyone can set a raid target icon over a mob. Hand in the quest, and accept, and hand that in back where the chain began in Badlands to recieve Schädel der drohenden Verdammnis Maybe add a timer or something that only marks the target after having it selected for over 2 seconds or so, that way when tab targeting it does not move the mark around near as much. The macro above will cast Curse of Pain with the first press and Corruption with the second press. As far as Important 39 rogue macros go, I'd get a sap macro and a /cast Blind or mouseover macro. This addon creates a macro which you can place on your bars and can be spammed as moving around the world. type /macro then /target Jandice Barov or however you spell her name. It will NOT remove Skull from the target/mouseover if it already has it. Easy Targeting Macro: /tar Simone /tar Laurent /tar Archivist Fane /tar The Countess /tar Kael'thas Sunstrider /tar Lost Sybille /tar Vulca /tar Iven /stopmacro /run SetRaidTarget(""target"", 8) Just spam button and if any of the targets are within range, you will target and mark them with a skull icon If your a tank, you can also add a party/raid shout to the macro, that will pop up on the screen telling everyone you have switched targets and marked it as skull. just make a targeting macro if your melee. Click it until she is targeted again and continue the DPS marathon. I created the macro below that checks if the target is marked, if not it adds the skull so it will not spam the command. Use the following numbers to create multiple macros. Simple solution add it command to the attack macro, and your group will always see your are current target.

target of target wow

Due to everything going on and having to switch targets often, it is very handy to have a set focus macro.You can either use this to either set focus on the enemy and switch back to them, or focus on the tank and assist them. Pvp target or Focus Cyclone Taget a target start shooting if example hunters mark, sunder x5 etc. This macro is perfect for vanishing another rogue's Cheap shot for example. For target as well as world marker functionality, check out DejaMark. What this macro does: If you have a mouseover, mark it will Skull If you don't have a mouseover, but have a target, mark it with Skull. Use: Set the key-binding in the WoW key-bindings menu under AddOns > DejaMark.

Target of target wow